A busy week in Holly class

Here are just some of the exciting things we have been learning about in Holly class this week.

We have been learning all about Christopher Columbus in History and this week we were looking at the food and the people he met when he landed in San Salvador. There was a selection of fruit for everyone to taste including avocado, papaya, pepper and sweet potato. The sweet potato was very popular.

Continuing with our materials topic in Science, we did an experiment to see which material would be best to keep us dry. The children poured water onto different materials to see which one let the least amount of water through. We concluded that plastic was the best!

Everyone made an animal design out of Hama beads, which took a lot of patience. Hopefully they made it home in one piece!

As it was Chinese New Year on Tuesday, we read about New Year celebrations in our Reading comprehension lesson and made a colourful dragon head in D&T.