A new face in the reception class this week!

With just two weeks until half term and information evening on 14th October there is not much to say this Friday that I won’t be repeating on Monday.

Another busy week with our trip to Wimpole Home Farm which was blessed with the best weather we could have hoped for! The children had an interesting talk about living things and got to stroke a chick and a rabbit. The animals were all around the farmyard to see and take pictures of to practise our developing camera skills. The hi-light of the day was of course, eating a packed lunch at the picnic tables and some very tired children just about made it back to the farm shop via the big house. Many children would love to go back to explore the play areas for which we did not have time.

Back at school over the last few days we have examined the photos, drawn farm pictures for our ‘talking book’ and made scarecrows.

In maths we have been using the farm theme to introduce the children to combining two groups and counting to find a total. Careful one to one counting and recording the answer with a numeral are areas to be working on.

It is not too late to return your slip for the reception information evening. I have noticed that there are a few ‘first time’ parents who have not returned a form and this is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn more about working with your child.

Parents evening appointments will be sent out next Friday so once again please make sure that you have returned the request slip which was sent out earlier in the week.

Have a good autumn walk this weekend. Let’s hope the weather cheers up a bit and we can see who collects the most different types of leaves. Please try and collect ones that are not torn so that the children can easily sort by shape.