Cedar’s outdoor adventures!

Cedar Class had a wonderful time exploring different outdoor activities, requiring them to use different problem solving and group work skills. 

The children worked through different activities, completing pair and group work. One activity took away the children's sight with them working to guide their blindfolded partner through a cone maze. The children carefully came up with noises to use so their partner knew where they were. They all decided just how much we use our sight and how important it is! 

The children also looked at building dens in the woods. They had to work together to choose appropriate sized branches to create their den. Creating knots in rope was also a key part of this activity, the children worked together to keep their dens up, protecting them from the weather. 

The final activity worked on the children's teamwork skills. Working as a group, all children had to get across the space by only stepping inside hoops. They were then given the tricky challenge of standing on a groundsheet whilst trying to turn it over.

All the challenges required lots of cooperation by everyone involved. It was great to see the children working together as a unit to support one another, especially when things became tricky as it started to rain! 

Well done Cedar Class and thank you to the Outdoor Enrichment Group for organising such an exciting session!