Cherry and Chestnut Class visit British Schools Museum

As part of our history work on The Victorians, Cherry and Chestnut Class visited British Schools Museum to see what life was like for children at school in Victorian times.


When we went to the British Schools Museum, we had to dress up as Victorian children. The girls would have worn long, dark socks and long, dark dresses. They would have also worn a white pinafore over their dress and possibly a ribbon in their hair. The boys would have worn a shirt, a collar, a waistcoat, dark trousers or shorts and dark socks.

Lily and Enya


On arrival we were separated into two groups. The first group was led into a Victorian classroom by a very strict teacher. Before we started any lessons, we had to have a hand inspection. In Victorian times, you had to have clean hands when you went to school.

Khushi and Samantha


The teacher discovered that some people had been playing marbles on the way to school!

Wyatt and Wathaq


In arithmetic (maths) we learned about old Victorian money. We learned that: 4 farthings made 1 penny; 12 pennies made 1 shilling; 20 shillings made 1 pound; and 21 shillings made 1 guinea.

Ethan and Thomas


For literacy lessons, we had reading, spelling and handwriting. We learned how to use an ink pen and blotting paper to get rid of all the splodges.

Rory, Harry and Calum


Our teacher kept on talking about 'the inspection' and getting her full salary. She asked us tricky questions. The first pupil to get an answer wrong had to wear the dunce's cap.

Joseph and Samuel


One pupil had to wear the back straightener because she didn't sit up straight. And then later on, because she had been running down the slope, she got the cane!




After our lessons, we looked around the headmaster's house. We had a great time and would happily go again.
