Fun four days

Easter came and went and here we were back for four action packed days.

On Tuesday Van Gogh (Paul Priestly) came to visit us, with a very dramatic, action packed representation of his life and famous works .Key Stage 1 children then had some practise of sketching fields, trees, bushes and stars and shading using pencil tone, before constructing their own representation of ‘A Starry Night’. During the afternoon they had a quick lesson on colour mixing and advice on how to paint their pictures and you can see some of the results in the pictures below.

Wednesday saw another great presentation by the artist Andy Warhole and some very different art work to investigate. The reception children spent the rest of the day trying out some of his Pop Art techniques with some fantastic results.

Thursday was our Activity Day and along with the rest of the infants the children had sessions in indoor athletics, art, orienteering and cup stacking.

Friday was a calm day with spelling tests and two end of term assemblies. A celebration assembly  and a farewell to Mrs Grundon who retired today.

The second third of the reception year is completed and a two week break gives the children an opportunity to rest from the daily routines. Please take time over the holiday to do some of the following activites to support your child: writing lower case letters with the capital equivalent, practising the diagraphs and words containing them, numeral writing to ensure correct orientation, recognition of rhyming words and the ability to continue a rhyming string. Reading rhyming bedtime stories, generating silly rhymes as you walk along, and playing some number based games to support their maths.

When we come back after Easter we will be looking at life cycles. The tadpoles are going home wit Mrs Wagstaffe so hopefully they will continue to develop over the holiday and we will see a difference in two weeks’ time.

Have an enjoyable holiday and come back free of germs, ready to crack on through the last term of reception learning.