Governing Body Newsletter – March 2014

The governors have been delighted at the outstanding work by teachers and pupils this year. In our recent meetings we have looked at the school’s academic work in detail, as well as having a focus on sports provision and several potential building projects.

Sports – Mrs Light gave us an excellent presentation in January on the use of Sports Premium Funding. This is money given annually to every primary school as part of the Olympics legacy commitment, and that schools can use in their own way. The money is being put towards numerous aspects of school sport provision, including purchasing new sports equipment, training staff in new skills for specific sports, as well as increasing school participation in external competitions. Mrs Light also thanked Dain Sears, the Sports Apprentice, for his valuable support in PE lessons. The school has an impressive number of teams and clubs, and with the extra funding it aims to improve the quality and breadth of sport activities on offer.

RAISEonline – One of our most important meetings in the school year is the examination of ‘RAISEonline’ data in February. This looks at the school’s academic standards in detail, and allows the governors to highlight any concerns while supporting the many outstanding achievements. All aspects of academic progress are studied, with detailed questions asked about every area of learning. There is a particular focus on ensuring support is given where needed, and that the school meets the ever-changing standards required by the Government. The school leadership team was congratulated for its continuing success and excellent results.

Projects – Another responsibility for the Governing Body is to consider the long-term position of the school. This includes those elements where external funding and support is required. We have recently commenced discussions with the Local Authority about the possibility of replacing our mobile classrooms with a more permanent building. At some point the mobiles will come to the end of their working life and we must ensure that appropriate plans have been agreed for their replacement.

To improve the energy efficiency of the school, we have begun to look into replacing the window wall in the hall, with more modern windows. We are also aware that the school boiler, which has served us well for over 40 years, is coming to the end of its working life and we need to look for a more efficient system. Finally, the roof in the computer suite has caused a few concerns with all the wet weather we have been experiencing so we have been looking at alternative designs to help reduce glare on the screens as well as solve our problems with leaks!

Anti-Bullying Accreditation Award – Congratulations to the school in receiving this award, through a strong promotion of positive behaviour and an awareness of anti-bullying.

Long Service Award – We are very pleased that Mrs Driver has been presented with a Long Service Award by the Schools Department of Hertfordshire County Council. This is to recognise her 30 years of service (in fact it is now 31.5 years!). Congratulations to Mrs Driver on such a wonderful achievement.

Our Neighbourhood – Following a recent complaint from a member of our local community, can we please ask that consideration is given when waiting to pick up children from school. Please do not block the public pathways or park in front of driveways, thank you.

We hope this newsletter has been of interest, do email us with any questions: