Holly class – A great start to the year!

Holly class have made a great start to their new year, settling in and getting to know their classmates. We are excited to have started our History topic of the Great Fire of London and are looking forward to completing our 3D Tudor houses in D & T lessons.

We really enjoyed hearing all about different countries, their languages, flags and food at the Festival of Languages Day last Friday. We learnt how to say ‘Hello’ in many languages including Chinese, Japanese, French, Swahili, Russian, Spanish and many more. We even learnt how to do an Irish dance!

In our computing lessons, we have been looking at the keyboard and trying to type a sentence in Word. I’ll be sending home a printout of a keyboard this week for them to become more familiar with the layout of the keys and what they do. Our art topic this term is portraits and the children have made a great start by drawing their faces, concentrating on the proportions. I look forward to seeing their finished paintings.