Information from Mrs Driver

There has been a change of start date for pupils in year 1 – 6 in September 2016. In order for the staff to undertake professional development days after the move into our new building, the Autumn Term will start on Wednesday 7th September 2016.

Summer Fete
Don’t forget we have our annual summer fete on Saturday 11th June 2016 from 11.00 am until 4 pm. This is our major fundraising event of the year and we are hoping to raise enough money to continue with our upgrade to Touch Screen TVs and Media Walls across the school. Please come along and support us in any way you can. There are lots of stalls that still need volunteers and help is always needed setting up and clearing away. The fete will be ‘different’ this year with access through the bottom gate straight onto the field.

Building work
Things are starting to get more exciting with the building work. We have had temporary access today but hopefully by tomorrow things will be back to normal. The modular buildings are due to start arriving from next week so all foundations should be complete in order for this to happen. Once the fete has happened, work will start on our new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and we will start to see the new block taking shape.

We are asking that no dogs are brought onto the school site during the working day. This is in line with other HCC properties and is intended to keep your children safe.

Please remember if you have any concerns do not hesitate to come and see me.

Yours sincerely
Mary Driver