Information from Mrs Driver

The Daily Mile
Many of you have commented on our lovely new playground markings! Thank you to the SPA for contributing towards them! You may have noticed that we have had a track marked round the building. This is for a Daily Mile. Research has shown that children who partake in this mile on a regular basis perform better in school and have a much healthier mental attitude. Some of us have been trialling this and it has certainly helped to kick start our day!
Therefore we have decided to open the school gates at 8.10am on a Wednesday morning for parents to do a mile with their children if they wish to. We cannot be responsible for the supervision of the children so ask that if you are coming with other children that you have no more than 4 children with you! Once the mile is completed i.e. 5 laps of the course your children can stay in the playground ready for the day to begin.
Classes will also use the Daily Mile in some of their lesson time and we hope this positive attitude towards physical activity will have an impact on their whole approach to learning.

I have had a number of complaints about parents trying to come in through the main school gates with push chairs to access the Reception playground. With 3 classes trying to exit through these gates it is just too congested. Would all reception parents please use the Reception gates and don’t use the other playgrounds as a cut through. As the school increases in size we are going to have very clearly defined routes and access for each class. Please help us by observing these parameters now. Thank you.

Sports Day
Don’t forget Sports Day next Wednesday 28th June. Reception and KS1 at 10.15 and KS2 at 1.40. Please bring picnic rugs & chairs to sit on; this worked really well last year! The SPA will be serving refreshments!

Please remember if you have any concerns about your child at school, do not hesitate to come in to see me.

Yours sincerely

Mary Driver