Information from Mrs Driver

This has been another eventful half term in the life of William Ransom. Our roofing works are progressing but they have been hampered by an unusually wet and cold January. Let’s hope the weather starts to warm up soon and their work can be finished by Easter.
However, whilst all this is going on it has been ‘business as usual’ in the world of education. We have had some wonderful days, with classes out on trips and visiting speakers, there has also been the continuation of high quality work within the classrooms.
Over the next half term we look forward to World Book Day, please make sure you have seen the letter from Mrs Tite, and we also have a range of different activities planned for science week in March. There are some exciting school trips coming up and an opportunity for you to see the school in action on Open Morning. 

Parents’ Evening
Thank you to everyone who came to Parents’ Evening this week. We hope you found the consultations informative and feel you have a better insight into what your child is like at school. Please remember if anything changes at home to drop us a quick note or email. It will be dealt with confidentially but might help us to better understand behaviours in school. 

Parking and driving
I read, with interest, the letter the school council sent home about parking and driving issues. It always amazes me how there seem to be no problems when I am out there! I wonder why?
My main concern when I am out there is the speed drivers go up Stuart Drive and through the school grounds. Your children will not a get a second chance if they step out in front of a car!
Please do not let the children out of the car in the car park and then cross the traffic. Please avoid turning round in Stuart Drive – drive through school and go down Holdbrook. There are some people who have a parking permit to be allowed to park in the car park. If you think this applies to you, please come in and see me. 

Non-uniform day
I am delighted to say that we raised a total of £304.75 from our non-uniform day today. This will go to local families suffering hardship. Thank you as always for your wonderful support. 

500 Words writing competition
Once again BBC Radio 2 are running their 500 Words writing competition. This is a lovely competition to enter over half term. This is completely optional but it does compliment the work we have been doing in school on promoting writing across the school. The children will need your permission to submit their stories online and they can also send me a copy to and I will put a book of stories together to celebrate them all.

Curry & Quiz evening
I am told that tickets are selling fast for the Curry & Quiz evening on Friday March 16th. This is a great event which exercises a bit of grey matter as well as feeding the brain!!
Tickets are only £8 so please contact any member of the SPA if you are interested in joining us!
Towards the end of this academic year we will be looking for new members to join the SPA. If you think it is something you might find interesting and enjoyable, please come and talk to me or to Matt Ewan, our current chairman. 

I hope you all have a lovely half term break and I look forward to welcoming you back into school on Monday 19th February.

Yours sincerely
Mary Driver