Information from Mrs Driver

Welcome back!
Welcome back after a mostly sunny half term. I hope you all managed to get out and enjoy a bit of sunshine! 
We had a lovely week in Snowdonia with the Year 6 pupils. The weather was kind to us which always helps and hopefully the pupils have come home with lots of stories to tell and many happy memories!

Could I remind you that the only snacks allowed at breaktimes are fruit? Children must not bring fruit bars as many of these contain traces of nuts. Please help us keep all our children safe by ensuring only fruit comes into school.

Summer Fete
Please don’t forget the Summer Fete on Saturday 9th June from 11.00am until 4.00pm. This is our main money raiser of the year and we rely upon support from the whole parent body. Please look out for the rota and fill some of the gaps! We are always looking for people to help with the swing boats and roundabouts if you are feeling strong!

Miss Sarah Barnett / Mrs Liz Thorn
It is with regret that I have to tell you that Miss Sarah Barnett is leaving us at the end of the summer term. She is taking up a new role at a school in Oxfordshire. I am sure you will all join me in wishing her well and as soon as there is news about her replacement I will let you know. However, I am delighted to say that Mrs Liz Thorn will be continuing with us in September as she has successfully completed her training year and she will be a fully qualified teacher from September. Congratulations Liz, from all of us at William Ransom.

Class structure
There will be a letter coming out shortly to explain the class structure from September 2018. There are some slight adjustments so please look out for this letter. As always the letter about where your child will be in September will come with school reports on Friday 6th July 2018.

Please remember if you have any concerns about your child at school, do not hesitate to come in to see me. 

Yours sincerely
Mary Driver