Information from Mrs Driver

It has been interesting over the last 3 years to see how the school has grown and developed as our numbers have increased. In September 2019, our first 2 form entry year group will reach Key Stage 2 and that means we are creating a new Year 3 class. This will be called Elm and is situated next door to Maple in the original school.

We also have some new members of staff and a bit of a ‘move around.’ Mrs Gunn is joining us from St Mary’s in Baldock. She is an extremely experienced teacher and we look forward to her joining our Early Years team. Mrs Kholodenko is joining our Year 1 team alongside Mrs Morris who has been working with us for the last year. Mrs Bassindale is going to work alongside Mrs Tite as she undertakes her Schools Direct Teacher Training. We look forward to working with them all.

The structure for the next academic year will be as follows: 

Oak Class – Reception – Mrs Light
Ash Class – Reception – Mrs Gunn
Holly Class – Year 1 – Mrs Thorn
Hazel Class – Year 1 – Mrs Kholodenko / Mrs Morris
Pine Class – Year 2 – Mr Maranian
Cedar Class – Year 2 – Miss Vivian
Maple Class – Year 3 – Miss Hallahan
Elm Class – Year 3 – Mrs Bassindale / Mrs Tite
Beech Class – Year 4 – Miss Eldridge/ Mrs Mackilligan
Willow Class – Year 4 / Year 5 – Mrs Waite / Mrs Burr
Cherry Class – Year 5 / Year 6 – Mrs Mitchell / Mrs Thomas
Chestnut Class – Year 5 / Year 6 – Mrs Wheat / Mrs Hall

Sports day
Don’t forget we have sports day on Friday, weather permitting, and at the moment it is looking hopeful!
Key Stage 1 will start at 10.00am and Key Stage 2 at 1.30pm. I am afraid you do have to leave the school site between the two events so that we can monitor who is on school premises. It does look like it might be quite warm so please ensure your children are covered in sun screen and have a hat. Last year it worked well not putting out rows of chairs and parents bringing their own chairs and/or rugs and sitting on the bank. The SPA will be running a tea stall so please come and enjoy the day! 

St Andrews School
I am sure many of you are aware that St Andrews School are celebrating their 50th Anniversary this year. All of us at William Ransom would like to congratulate them on this milestone! They are holding a School Celebration on Saturday 22nd June with a live band, circus skills and many more activities. As many of our children attended St Andrews Nursery I thought this day might be of interest! 

Please remember if you have any concerns about your child at school, do not hesitate to come in to see me.

Yours sincerely
Mary Driver