Marvellous Mill Green

Holly class went on a trip to Mill Green Museum to extend our learning about the Great Fire of London. Here are just a few ‘Big Writes’ recounting our day.

Yesterday Holly class went to Mill Green Museum. It was cold. First I went to make bread. I liked making the bread because it was fun and squidgy. After I made the bread Jay cooked it. Then I learnt about the Great Fire of London. Then we went into the mill. The miller told us about the mill. The mill moved. We went upstairs. We asked him questions then we went downstairs. Then we learnt a bit more about the Great Fire of London. Then we had lunch it was yummy. 
By Joshua

On Thursday Holly class went to Mill Green Museum. We went on a white and black coach. After we went on a white bridge. After we went on the bridge we went to Mill Green Museum and at Mill Green Museum there was a big black spider. After we saw the black spider we went to put our rucksack in the white den. We went inside Mill Green Museum and Mill Green Museum was big. In Mill Green Museum we did three big long activities. One was making big squishy bread.
By Imogen

Yesterday Holly class went to Mill Green Museum.  We went on a coach. When we got there we did baking and we did looking at pictures and we did what we would take and what we would leave. I liked it there then we had lunch. It was delicious. We got back on the coach and went back to school. We got our stuff and went home. My favourite bit was to make bread. We went there for the Great Fire of London. There was a music box. I had a turn with it. The bread felt squishy. The cards were but it was great and super.
By Jayden