More ideas for Beech Class

Dear Parents,

I have amended the My Maths so there are now just five tasks for this week and will look at setting Whiterose work for next week. The lessons for My Maths this week are revision of topics we covered before Easter which will lead into the next unit on fractions. Even if there are Maths activities from Twinkl/Classroom Secrets that you have outstanding, I’d like it if everyone did the My Maths and use the other worksheets as additional work if you wish to.

Once again, I would like to stress that I only expect the children to complete one piece of the following each day: Maths, tables and spellings and some reading and writing. If you would like to do a foundation activity in the afternoon that would be great to see but please do not feel you have to fill all day everyday with work.

Reading: Don’t forget to email me if you’d like your login/password for Fiction Express. There are quizzes and questions on there that will help you practise your comprehension skills too.

Writing: As well as writing a diary this week or doing the time capsule activity, you should still have English activities left from the Twinkl/Classroom Secrets packs plus the suggestions I gave in the first letter I sent home (describe a character in a book, retell a story in your ow words/change the ending, write a blurb for a book, turn a story into a narrative poem, write a report about your favourite sport/hobby/holiday).

Spellings: Use the list attached to practise some each week and ask you parents to test you at the end of the week. You also have copies of the long spelling test we did at the start of the year. Can you use any of them in your writing each week?

The foundation subject ideas below are for topics we were set to cover. I have given you a few activities for each so you can either do one each day from each subject or choose the same subject to do each afternoon before moving on to another next week.

Science: Our next topic was going to be electricity and before I suggest activities, I’d like to say to you this is all theory DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ELECTRICAL AT HOME! 1. Perhaps the first task should be to watch the video about the dangers of electricity (link below) 2. Look for appliances around the house. List the ones you find. What do they all need to work? 3. Draw up a table of the which ones use batteries vs. which ones use mains electricity 4. Draw a diagram of how electricity gets from power stations to your house 5. What is a circuit? Research them and have a go at drawing one for yourself using the correct scientific symbols and use a key 6. What are insulators and conductors? Look them up and write a description about what they do and give some examples of each

Geography: From one extreme to the other, after Antarctica we were going to look at Rainforests 1. You could look at where there are, identify them on a map and draw your own to highlight where you find them. What do you notice? 2. What is the climate/weather like there? 3. What birds, animals and people live there? Can you use your knowledge of food chains to draw some specific to the rainforest? 4. What are the layers of a rainforest and what plants do you find in each? Which ones can be used as food/medicine? 5. What is deforestation and why should we protect the rainforests? Any of the things you discover can be presented as a piece of writing, poster or maybe a fact file.

History: After the Romans left Britain to return home and protect it against attack, the Anglo-Saxons came to our shores to attack before settling here 1. Draw/print a map of the countries they came from and the routes they took to get here 2. Research the reasons they came and write up a description 3. What were their houses like? Write up a report using drawings/diagrams 4. Make a model of a house.

RE: We started comparing Sikhism with Christianity to find the similarities and differences. 1. Research their places of worship. Draw them and label the features 2. Write a comparison of the rituals and ceremonies of each e.g. How do they welcome a baby to the community? How do they celebrate a wedding? 3. What rules do they each follow? Can you write your own version of the ten commandments or the 5 Ks? What rules do you live by? What values will you include?

Art: Continue with our work on journeys 1. Research Aboriginal paintings and have a go at drawing/painting your own 2. Create a pattern piece on the computer using stamps or by inserting pictures of vehicles 3. Create a piece using different shape footprints from all sorts of animals and creatures 4. Look up drawing using perception and see if you can use it to draw a road or path and what you might see along it 5. Photograph a journey like we did for homework. Your daily journey looks very different right now as it’s mostly around the house. You could also document the journey you take for your daily form of exercise.

DT: I’d like you to look at packaging with the aim of designing your own 1. Make observations about the types of packaging around the house and sketch and label the different ones you find 2. Choose three and draw their nets labelling the shapes you can see in them 3. What shapes would you need in a net to make a box for a pizza? What would you need to do before you could make one? A package for a regular size/shape pizza would look very different to one you would need for a pitta bread pizza 4. Design and make your own box. Think carefully about the look of it. What layout/colours/font will you use? Why? 5. Make a pizza to put in it!

If you’re not able to print the documents attached, you could draw them on some paper or in your books. I will be leaving copies of the time capsule in the foyer on Friday for anyone that cannot print at home and would like to pick one up as part of their daily walk.

If you’d prefer to use the foundation activities from Twinkl the link is below.

I hope that helps those of you who would prefer more structured activities for home learning. Please get in touch if you need anything. I’m on my email ( and Twitter (@Beech_WR).

Kind Regards,

Miss Eldridge