Moving Through Autumn

Year 4 have a made an active start to autumn term with the variety of sports on offer. Over the term they will be developing their skills in tennis, hockey, lacrosse and dance and learning new vocabulary as they move on in the subject. PE also gives them the chance to incorporate our values in to their learning, using cooperation when working in pairs or groups and displaying courage when trying something new. Sports such as dance allow them to express their creative sides as they choreograph their own moves. Beech are currently putting together a performance about the world of sport set to the Grandstand theme. They are beginning to understand more about the elements of dance (stillness, gesture, jump, turn and travel) as well as learning what it means to do things in unison and cannon.

For outdoor lessons, Lime have been looking at tennis and hockey which is building on prior learning at the same time as giving them the opportunity to compare working as an individual or pair to working in small teams. In tennis, they started lessons looking at simple bat and ball skills before moving on to forehand, then backhand and now playing over a net. Similarly, hockey lessons focus on the handling skills first and then passing within small group activities to help build up to putting them in to a game situation.