Mrs Light explored the dark with the reception children this week.

An exciting week as the children explored the dark by sitting in the unlit ‘dark den’. We talked about sources of light, learnt about nocturnal animals and about fears of the dark as we heard the story of 'The owl who was afraid of the dark' by Jill Tomlinson and Tom’s Afraid of the Dark by Beth Robbins. The children’s favourite story was ‘Can’t you sleep little bear’ by Martin Waddell. We watched this on 'You Tube' and this led to a discussion about sign language and you will see why if you watch the story again.

   Our maths focus was addition, as the children made and then used their adding machines to do their sums. Well done everyone, some great practical maths and good use of ‘addition language’ as you explained to parents looking round the school what you were doing. This activity also highlighted the need for many to continue to practise writing the numerals with correct orientation.

    In phonics we have learnt the ‘th’  sound that many children get mixed up with ‘f’. We have been practising our blending sounds to read by playing ‘Buried Treasure’ on the computer, you might like to try it at home.

   The Divas were varnished and we lit them and sung a song about light. The firework sewing is finished and Joe and Joseph received their ‘achievers award’ for their fantastic effort.

 Next week is Road Safety Awareness week and we are having a visitor on Monday morning to talk about road safety and will follow this up in our lessons next week.