River Oughton Trip

On Friday 5th July, Cherry and Chestnut Class went to River Oughton, which ran through Oughtonhead Common, to learn about rivers, our geography topic. We were put into groups of four, each group supervised by an adult who was responsible for driving their group to the area, and given booklets.

When all the groups had arrived, each group merged with another group to form a large cluster of eight children and two adults. All the groups then had a different starting point and walked to a part of the river. We went to our area of Oughton and performed experiments, such as placing a bottle cap in the water and timing how long it took to sink. We also measured the depth of the pond and took ten stones at random from the water. Each child took it in turns to measure the long width, the horizontal width and the vertical width, and we all recorded the answers.  We looked for evidence of wildlife and found fish, shrimp-like creatures, birds’ eggs, nests and we saw lots of birds and even some cows.  The kingfisher did not appear but we were quite loud so maybe we scared it away.

After that, all the groups met up at the source, also known as the beginning of the river. We completed all of the questions in our booklets and trekked back to our starting point. It was a really fun and informative trip (even if our feet did become soaking wet, despite wellies) which boosted our knowledge on rivers even more!

By Jinying