Road Safety in Reception

With it being Road Safety Week we invited the Road Safety Team in to talk to the children. Unfortunately the man who was due to come in was ill on Monday and was then unable to come in on Friday as rearranged. Our lessons were planned to follow on from the professional road safety input but we did it ourselves! We looked at: King of the Road and Supersafe with Superted on:

We discussed the vocabulary to do with being a pedestrian and looked at the Green Cross Code. We made cars and practiced crossing the road with the zebra crossing and traffic lights out. On Friday afternoon we went out and practised crossing the small roads near school. We talked about what traffic is and where we should walk on the pavement, away from the kerb and the road with our adult nearest to the road. We looked at where to stop at the kerb and crossed the road  holding an adults hand, looking both ways before and as we crossed and listening for traffic. The children enjoyed the games on:


In Literacy we revised our first diagraphs with the story of Chicken Licken and we read the Thistle Thrush poem and stories such as Ben and the Hen and Het the Vet to revise our blending of letters in CVC words and segmenting to spell. Have a go on the reading website I sent home yesterday. This progresses on to many levels and allows your child to practice phonics in a fun way. Although free on a PC, I believe it can be purchased as an app for an I-pad.

Rehearsals for our Christmas production have started. Our first whole production one in the hall is on Wednesday. Your child has their individual sentence to learn to say in a really loud, clear voice and you now have all the songs. The singing is going well and because they are well known tunes they are easily learnt. Don’t forget to order your tickets!

Next week we start preparations for Advent starting with the Christmas story. Don’t forget to pay pantomime money and send back the letter saying if you want your child to have a school packed lunch.

I look forward to seeing you all in school tomorrow as you come to support the Winter Wonderland which is raising money for your children.