Road Safety in Reception

With it being Road safety week we choose to look at keeping safe whilst out with an adult and crossing the road. We looked at: King of the road and Supersafe with Superted.

Then we went out and practised crossing the small road outside school. We talked about what traffic is and where we should walk on the pavement, away from the kerb and the road with our adult nearest to the road. We looked at where to stop at the kerb and crossed the road pretending to hold an adults hand, looking both ways before and as we crossed. The children practised in school when we had out the zebra crossing and traffic lights.

The divas finished at last and home safely with no breakages well done

In Maths the children learnt about telling the time. They were shown the hour hand and the minute hand and how to tell o’clock times. Later in the week they used balances to order two items by weight using the language of heavy light, heavier and lighter, heaviest and lightest and finally revised the finding of the total number of items in two groups by counting all of them. They used their adding machines which I have sent home for them to practise doing more adding up sums.

In Literacy we revised our first diagraphs with the story of Chicken Licken and we read the Thistle Thrush poem and stories such as Ben and the Hen and Het the Vet to revise our blending of cvc words and segmenting to spell.

As you know from your child’s song learning last weekend, rehearsals for our Christmas production have started. As it is a long weekend your child has their individual sentence to learn to say in a really loud, clear voice and a couple more songs to practise with you. The singing is going well and because they are well known tunes they are easily learnt. They get to try their acting skills on the stage from next Thursday so make sure those words to say are learnt!

As rehearsals have started for the whole school our PE lessons will be outside until the end of term. This week we practised some football skills. Dribbling with the ball around a challenging course set up by Dain and a game of traffic Lights and Captain’s Coming to make the skill learning more fun.

Next week we start preparations for Advent starting with the Christmas story and Mrs Massey will be sending home information about our trip to the pantomime. Have a great long weekend.