Show time for reception class

The whole school watched the children perform their Christmas show on Wednesday morning and despite being a bit like sardines squashed into just half of the hall they all seemed to enjoy the performance. A great show, with very few incidents! Their last performance to parents and grandparents this afternoon was amazing!
Despite a busy week rehearsing the children have been doing some other work. In literacy they have been reading Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and making their own Stick Man. Our big picture is not yet finished but hopefully next week it will come together!

A writing assessment entitled ‘Through the keyhole’ has informed the progress we are making towards becoming independent writers. Please use the Christmas holiday to practise reading the words on the word grid and seeing how quickly they can find words, as familiarity with this 'tool' will save time during writing lessons after Christmas. Your child will benefit from using their word book which they have been using in school. (more details will follow in my Christmas letter next week.)

With the Christmas play 'done and dusted' the reception children now look forward to their trip to the pantomime to see ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ on Monday morning. Normal school uniform please. Most children have opted for a school packed lunch but if you haven’t, please make it a 'sensible size' packed lunch in a named plastic bag. The drink must be in a carton or plastic bottle. We aim to have milk or water in the interval. We will eat our packed lunch in the theatre prior to travelling back to school.

Next week then, pantomime on Monday. Party on Tuesday afternoon so please remember what you signed up to bring. A Christmas hat needed for Thursday: homemade hats win house points! Christmas jumpers can be worn with school uniform bottoms on Thursday with a £1 donation to Children in Need.

Remember if your child has a sibling in KS2 at the school, they can also come in slightly later on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning due to the late nights from the whole school Christmas plays. The rest of the children need to be in school at the normal time. We finish at the normal time on Friday afternoon.

Have a good weekend, only 5 more early mornings!