Spiders, our topic for this week and not a live spider in sight!

The reception children knew the basic facts about our eight legged friends. Through non-fiction books, e-books and websites, lots of new interesting information has been learnt. We also looked at stories and rhymes about spiders. Our ‘Big Write’ on Friday was non-fiction writing about spiders. The shared writing done on Monday had been beneficial for a number of children struggling to write independently in proper sentences. The children had provided the information and the staff modelled how to write  in proper sentences, joining two ideas on the same subject with a connective and trying to start sentences with words other than ‘spiders’.

The children learnt about how a spider builds its web and made some of their own pictures. They looked at the parts of a spider’s body and tried to make a model of a spider by selecting their own materials and working independently using the skills of joining materials learnt so far this year. Painting a picture of Incy Wincy spiders adventure was the Friday afternoon challenge.

In maths this week we have been looking at time. We revised the days of the week and months of the year. Although we do our weather chart every day, too many children are still oblivious to the day, month, date and weather! It would be a good idea to print out a weather chart off the internet, make one or buy one and do it with your child every day to raise their awareness.

We also looked at how long  a minute is, what we can do in 1 minute, the number of minutes between each number on the clock and counting in 5’s to see how many minutes past the o’clock it was throughout the day. This is something you could work on at home.

Next week we will be learning about snails and I would be very grateful if you could find a snail or two to bring in to school on Wednesday. Bring them in a plastic box with air holes in the top and your child’s name on. This would be a great help.

Our clay frogs are finished and will be home soon. The Painted Lady caterpillars are in school and growing, despite the heat of the classroom and inquisitive children who keep picking them up to examine! No back legs on the tadpoles yet and no sign of the wild flowers planted last week! However the potatoes are a mass of leaves despite topping up the soil at regular intervals. Let’s hope that there will be some potatoes!

Many thanks for your support of non-uniform day for Nepal. The reception class raised £50.

Good luck to the parents who are at the quiz night!