Welcome back

A nice short week to break everyone in gently, however we’ve managed to cram it full of new experiences!

Hopefully your child has been telling you all about our recycling work. Two ladies from North Herts Council did some sorting with the children and we learnt some songs about recycling and heard the story of Michael Recycle. I would ask that you try to make your child take an active part in the recycling process in your house. There are still lots of children who do not know what things are made of and by talking about this and letting them sort the rubbish for the bins helps them to take some responsibility for the world which they will inherit.

In our writing we are trying to make our sentences more interesting by adding more detail. ‘Wow Words’ are one of the foci. These are the more adventurous words that we would use to replace words like ‘big’ or ‘nice’. As we read stories together I draw the children’s attention to these words and we have a word wall where we write new words that we find and then try to use them when we talk and write.

You should have received this half terms spelling list. They are more of the first hundred key words for reading and spelling. Please read the tips for learning spellings which came home at the same time, it may help your child.

For maths let your child try out the activities on


Understanding and using ‘positional language’ is a requirement of the 40-60 phase of the ‘Ages and Stages’ targets. If you work with your child through these activities you will be able to see their level of understanding. We did the introduction and starter activity one together and then I asked the children to describe the position of objects in relation to one another and we did some physical activities listening and responding to instructions about positions. For example: put your hands in front of your face, stand next to your friend etc.

For our work next week could each child bring in a picture of a frog. This can be printed from the internet or drawn.

Have a good weekend and let’s see if everyone can find a ‘Wow-word’ in a book they read this weekend!