Welcome Back!

Welcome back and a very happy and healthy New Year wish to you all. It was lovely to see everyone back last week and the children all seemed genuinely pleased to see their friends again.

We had our 'Values' assembly last Thursday and Mrs Driver introduced us to the value for January which is ’Compassion’. On Monday Oak class will be making their ‘money boxes to save up for our contribution towards Samali who is the in Africa sponsored by Key Stage 1. Please remember a suitable box.

This week in literacy we have been reading different versions of the well-known story of Little Red Riding Hood. Throughout the week we read books together, encouraging the children to read along. The story gave us a chance to talk about keeping themselves safe by doing what their parents tell them and of course not talking to strangers

The children made the puppets from the story and now need to try and use the familiar refrains from the story and think of some of their own words for their characters to say.  Please use the puppets your child has brought home and help them to act out the story of Red Riding Hood.

In phonics the diagraphs taught and practised this week were ‘ie/igh. Please continue to practise recognition of these diagraphs daily and point them out to your child when they appear in a word in their reading book or word box.

In maths we have been doing lots of practical work to develop our understanding of taking away. The children have been solving formally written take away sums using equipment and a number line to find the answers.   At home you could tell your child number stories so they can use their adding and taking away skills to solve the problems. For example: A man had 6 sheep, 2 ran away how many were left? I have 5 sweets in one hand and 3 in the other, how many altogether?

In our ‘Understanding of the world’ the children were learning more about plants. They looked more closely at the hyacinth bulbs planted in October and tried to name the different parts. They made 3-D models of the indoor hyacinths.

Apologies once again for our meagre selection of photos. We will try and do better next week!