Willow Class- Home Learning Week 4

Please find below some suggested home learning tasks for w/c 11.5.20. Please don’t feel that you need to print everything out. Most (if not all) of the activities can be completed in exercise books (no need to copy out questions – just write down the answers).


Summer Week 4 spellings are more common exception words (the words in which the English Spelling code works in an unusual or uncommon way).

Spellings: recent, remember, separate, special, strength, suppose, though, thought, various, women

Spelling Group – choose 6 of these spellings to learn.  Choose words that you think you might use most often when you write.

Activity:  Look at the definitions below.   What words from the list are being described?

 • I am the plural form of a word. I describe approximately 50% of the population.

 • This is something that might occur in my head.

• I describe how capable an object is of withstanding a great force or pressure. A fireman might need to have a lot of this.

Match three of your spellings to the definitions above then have a go at constructing your own definitions for the other spellings.   Afterwards, use a dictionary to check.  Do the definitions in the dictionary differ from yours?   


Reading comprehension activity: Have a go at the reading comprehension task attached below (Alan Turing).  Choose your level (*, ** or *** – with *** being the most difficult) and then check your answers afterwards.  How accurate/specific have you been?  No need to print as you can read the text online and jot down your answers in your exercise book.


Have a go at these grammar practise papers.  Choose either the Yr4 or Yr5 paper (or both!).  Answers provided at the end of each paper.

Use one of the pictures below as inspiration for a piece of writing.  You could write story or a flashback (how did it happen?) – up to you!  Don’t forget to do a quick plan before you write to help formulate your ideas and think about your individual writing targets as you write.  Use as much imagery as possible to bring your ideas to life and let your imagination run wild – Enjoy!

Once you’ve finished your piece of writing, read it aloud and check for any missing words and/or punctuation (edit!).


The Ancient Maya developed a sophisticated calendar system to track time and help them keep order in the world.  They were very clever mathematicians and engineers!

Your task is to research the Maya calendar and to write an explanation about how it works. Use the sheet below as a guide – no need to print it out. 

You might even like to have a go at making your own!  Have a look at the website below to get you started.

Geography – Climate and weather in Mexico

What is the difference between weather and climate? 

Have a look through the lesson Ppt slides 2 – 4 and/or do your own research. 

Activity: Without looking back at the Ppt, can you fill in the missing words?

Go through the rest of the Ppt.  Try to answer the questions as you can – remember to stop and think.

Activity:  Have a go at answering the questions on worksheet 3A (or for a greater challenge, try worksheet 3B or 3C).

Additional activity:  Read the Hurricane Gilbert Information Sheet (page 6 onwards). Then, prepare a news report as if the disaster has just happened, using the News Report Prompt Cards.  Try to include information such as: what a hurricane is, how hurricanes are categorised, where Hurricane Gilbert started, which areas it affected and how, some eyewitness statements, and the after-effects.


You may have noticed that Whiterose are no longer making their worksheets freely available on their website. Fortunately, as a school we already subscribe to their maths scheme and therefore can attach all of the associated worksheets (and answers) to the William Ransom Website.  So please continue with Whiterose, Summer Term Week 4 either year 4 or year 5. The year 5 lessons presume you can remember how to calculate perimeter. If you are unsure, dip into the Year 4 work.  


This is the WhiteRose plan for the remainder of the term. They have now said that their lessons are aligning with BBC Bitesize and each day they will have their video and links to the relevant BBC pages.

The worksheets are uploaded to the Willow page and there is supporting work that can be done from TYM (see below).

Year 4 – TYM4 p60, p94 and p96

Year 5 – TYM5 p92/93, p53, 54, 56/57

Of course there are the weekly workouts too!

Don’t forget to check out mymaths if you need a reminder or some further information.


Science – Human investigation

Watch https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgssgk7/articles/z2msv4j

Complete the sheet on Human Lifecycles (uploaded).

Look at the Life Explorers information (print it out if you can) and cut out the matching cards. Match the developmental landmarks to stages and ages. (The answers are on p2.)

Using the graph and measuring yourself now, can you work out how tall you will be as an adult?

Make a lifecycle poster of yourself so far using photos and marking on your developmental milestones.

DT – bread

Watch https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zrxd7ty

With your brand now established (Burr’s Bakery) think about what your top selling loaf could be? What ingredients do you think would be popular to children or to adults? Would they be the same?

Smell and try some spices and ingredients from your cupboards. What do you like? These are some Willow class have tried out in the past:

Smell: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, mixed spice, oregano, rosemary, parsley, garlic, chilli (be careful!).

Try: dark choc, milk choc, honey, syrup, onion, cheese, pepper, pepperoni, sesame and poppy seeds, olives, sun dried tomatoes, raisins.

Which flavour combinations do you think would go together?

Invent a new product. Will it be sweet or savoury? Could it be in an interesting shape (heart, twist, plait). https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p028vzjn

Write up your findings in a chart or poster like the one below. Then decide what YOUR new product is going to be.    


Every day we are on the ‘corona-coaster’ of emotions and sometimes we may be feeling lonely or anxious. Other days a little bit angry. Here are some clips to watch about anger and how to deal with it and some slides from Deedee (from the PHSE resource we use at school). Make a poster if you like.  


Music – Yumu

I’ve added a few more units to Yumu on: Dancing in the Street and Songs (7-9)

If you don’t have a login yet and would like one, e-mail Mrs Burr.

If this doesn’t take your fancy, look at BBC Bitesize as they have a weekly music lesson/idea. 


There is a really good lesson on BBC Bitesize, Year 4, Computing, 7th May called “How do we get computers to do what we want’. There are some videos and then it points to some interactive games: https://www.barefootcomputing.org/homelearning