Willow Home Learning – Summer Week 6

Can you believe that we’re at the start of another half-term of home-learning?  Hopefully, you’ve all had a relaxing break and managed to make the most of the amazing sunshine and fresh air; lots of BBQs and bike rides perhaps?  We’re certainly missing being with Willow Class in school but we are so pleased and incredibly proud to see how well you are all working at home.  We love to hear from you via email and/or Twitter so keep those messages and photos coming! 



Please find below some suggested home learning tasks for w/c 1.6.20


Spellings:  heaven, deafening, definitely, desperate, business, dictionary, library, miserable, different, interesting, frightening, secretary

Read through the spellings. Do you understand what they all mean? Can you notice any similarities between the words? Is there a pattern?

Pattern – Each of the words have an unstressed vowel. Can you explain to someone what a vowel is?

Task 1: Identify the vowel that is missing from each of the words.

a) choc ____ late                                               b) bre ____ kfast

c) diff ____ rent                                                d) sep ____ rate

e) bus ____ ness                                               f) myst ____ ry

g) di ____ mond                                                h) temp ____ rature

i) hist ____ ry                                                     j) fact ____ ry

k) t ____ rrific                                                    l) int ____ rest

Task 2: Check your answers to see if the word is spelt correctly. If not, write the correct spelling underneath.


Reading comprehension activity:  Continue with the reading comprehensions from Teachit Primary (uploaded w.c 18/05/20).  Ensure that you do both a fiction and a non-fiction comprehension. 


For this week, I have attached a home-learning booklet from Grammarsaurus.  You can choose to have a go at either the Yr3/4 or Yr5/6 (or both!).  Remember to check your writing targets before you write so that they are fresh in your mind.  Check them again afterwards when you edit your writing.  There’s always something that can be edited and improved! 


If you are following White Rose there are more fractions this week. Their website will have a short video and links to BBC Bitesize. In the coming weeks, the scheme moves on to decimals, statistics, angles, shape and measures.

Year 4 adding/subtracting fractions, fractions of quantities and calculating fractions.

TYM4 – p71, p69

Year 5 multiplying fractions, fractions of amounts

TYM5 – p63, p64

As always, the worksheets and answers are below.  


At the time of typing, Oak National Academy hadn’t released the next batch of lessons, but if you fancy a full teacher-led lesson check this out. Don’t just pick a random lesson as they progress daily through a topic, like we do in class. Look at the sequence of lessons and pick number 1 and work through. No worksheets necessary! You’ll even mark your own work.


See weekly workouts below.

I have reattached the tables sheets if you didn’t spot them in Summer week 5. There are 12 pages (6 weeks plus answers) so print out what you need!

Don’t forget to check out mymaths if you need a reminder or some further information.   


We are moving on to our final science unit of the academic year: Earth and Space.

Before you watch or read anything – get a blank piece of paper and put these questions in the middle: Can you name the planets? Do you know the order of the planets? Answer them with a mind map.

Look at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zdrrd2p

Watch – What is the solar system?

Do the online quiz

Complete Schofield and Sims worksheets.

If you would like to, research each planet and complete the fact file on the template below. Or make your own. There is a planet cut-out sheet with the worksheets.

To hep you remember there is the Mnemonic ‘My Very Easy Method Just Seems No Use’. Can you think up your own silly sentence to help you remember.


Bread was our final DT topic of the year, however I know lots of you like DT so each week I’ll suggest an activity which may interest you. It may link to one of our other topics.

This week – create a model solar system: There are lots of ideas online. Don’t buy anything new, use what resources you have. Some ideas are attached below. Think about scale too.


To align with our science topic, we are going to look at Gustav Holst’s the Planets. Look at the page below and then work through the ppt. There is a link to an orchestral performance and some questions at the end. If you like, paint a picture whilst the music is playing. What colours does it inspire you to use? Is the tune spiky or smooth? How do you show loud and quiet?


History – Maya number system

The Maya had a good understanding of number and created a complex number system for counting. Have a close look at the PowerPoint below and then have a go at completing the Maya number worksheets.  It’s like learning a new language! 

Think about what you already know about life in Maya times.  When and why might the Maya people need to use numbers?   What fun facts about Maya maths can you find out?


Geography – Volcanoes and Popocatepetl

What do you already know about volcanoes?  What would you like to know? Create a list of questions that you have about volcanoes and carry out some research to try to answer them – you could do an Internet search, look in books and ask an adult or older sibling.   Also, double check what you already know.  Have you got your facts right? 

Mexico has a number of active and dormant volcanoes but its most famous is Popocatepetl (which I never tire of saying – Pop-o-cat-eh-petal).  Have a look at this film showing the eruption of 2005 –


Write a news report about the eruption or design a newspaper front page carrying the story.  What affect might it have had on the people who live close to Popocatepetl?  What about Mexico City?  Might it have affected businesses and/or tourism?   Are there any positives to come out of an eruption?

Outdoor Classroom – take your learning outside

21st May was officially ‘Outdoor Classroom’ day but we think that any day can be an outdoor day!  Have a look at the website link below for some ideas and let us know which ones you try – I quite like the ‘make a moustache’ one!

Maths WhiteRose Worksheets