World Book Day

The children in Willow and Rowan Class had a fabulous day celebrating World Book Day. They talked about their favourite books, wrote book reviews and created characters for Story Land. They also enjoyed hearing all about Sarah Oliver’s books (author of Polyanne, The Mermaid’s Wedding and Lionel Messi – The Ultimate Biography) She gave them drawing and writing tips too!

In Rowan Class, we were then inspired by Sarah’s picture book; she said that she found writing picture books difficult as she had to tell a story only using a few sentences.   So, the challenge was on:

In pairs, the children played the fold-over story game where – without looking – they took it in turns to come up with a line of a story (They had to stick to… When? Who? Where? What happened? What happened next? Then give an ending).

They then developed this into a story on a story board. 

In the afternoon in computing, they used their storyboard to create a Powerpoint of their story using pictures and words, which they then shared with the class. 

Do we need to mention they also had fantastic costumes?