Year 1 Home Learning – Spring wk11

Each Monday we will be putting weekly work on the website for Maths, English including phonics and other foundation subjects. Please don’t feel under pressure to complete everything. It’s more important that your child is calm, happy and enjoys the learning experience. Little and often is always the best policy and if you can only do one thing some days – hear your child read and discuss the book together. We are here for advice or help in anyway.  Follow our twitter page or contact us by email if you have any questions.

Week beginning 23.3.20

Please find below this week’s home learning activities.
Please try to complete some of the Maths and English tasks every day if you can, as it’s important to keep up the skills they have learnt so far. Little and often on a daily basis is better than nothing at all. We have also provided some wider curriculum tasks. Please feel free to choose from any of the activities we have suggested.

Useful Files – Spelling and phonics

Maths – week beginning 23.3.20

Addition and subtraction with coins.
Find some coins (from your piggy bank or ask mum or dad!).
Choose 2, 3 or 4 coins at a time and add them together. Write the number sentence in your home learning book. Don’t forget the p for pence!
E.G. 2p + 2p + 5p = 9p 10p + 10p + 20p = 40p

Move on to find how much change you would get from 20p, 30p or 50p.
Record this in your book as an addition and then a subtraction number sentence.
E.G. 20p + 5p + 2p = 27p
30p – 27p = 3p

To practise more addition and subtraction, log on to My Maths and complete the homework task set.

English – Phonics

You will have received an email saying which phonics group your child is in.
Group 1: This week’s sound is ‘ew’ as in screw.
Practise writing these words with the ‘ew’ sound: screw, grew, chew, flew, blew.
Write ‘ew’ and the alternative spellings of ‘ew’ (‘oo’, ‘ue’, ‘u-e’) at the top of a page and write as many words as you can think of under the right spelling.
Choose a word with the ‘ew’ sound and spelling and write a sentence with that word in it.

Group 2: This week’s sound is ‘ur’
Practise writing these words with the ‘ur’ sound: burn, hurt, turn, burger, curl, fur.
Choose a word with the ‘ur’ sound and write a sentence with that word in it.
Practise writing the following capital letters and lower case letters: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff

English – Writing

  • Read a traditional tale. Discuss the vocabulary in the story, talk about the characters.
  • Retell the story to a grown up, sibling, pet, teddy.
  • Act out the story to a grown up, sibling, pet, teddy.
  • Writing activity: retell your chosen traditional tale from memory. Use your sentence checklist to make sure each sentence is super before you move onto the next one.

Science – Materials

Read The Three Little Pigs with your child. If you don’t have the book/story at home there are various options online. The BBC link below takes you to CBeebies Radio. This is a lovely way for children to engage with the story as they are listening rather than watching – cuts down on screen time and listening to a story allows them to use their imagination a bit more!
Discuss the materials that the pigs used – which was the best and why?

Now set the children a challenge. They are going to create 2 houses (or 3 if they’re enjoying themselves and you have the time!). They must use different materials to build the houses … use anything around the house. Examples may include newspaper, cardboard, wrapping paper, Lego, drinking straws, lollipop sticks, foil, sticks from the garden. Anything at all you have going spare!

When the houses are built ask children to predict what will happen to the houses when the big bad wolf ( a hairdryer or if you haven’t got a hair dryer just blow! ) blows on them. What happened? Children can record their results by drawing pictures, writing a paragraph or take photos. Remember to have fun! You could tweet your photos.

Geography – Our local area

We have looked at houses, buildings, facilities, maps and local landmarks. Children should be able to tell you some of the features of Hitchin.

Introduce the differences between a town and the countryside. Hitchin is a town. We are surrounded by some lovely countryside.

Read The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse.
If you don’t have the book you’ll find two links below to the story. The radio version is lovely but children will also enjoy watching the animated version.
There are more resources available on the Twinkl and BBC websites
You may also have books at home that feature towns and/or the countryside and these will be equally as valuable as a resource for learning.

Ask the children to tell you the differences between the town and the countryside. They may come up with examples such as …

  • In a town there is more traffic, busier roads, car parks, more houses, more people, shops, supermarkets and facilities that lots of people need like doctors and dentists.
  • In the countryside there is more green space, more nature, less people, smaller roads, fewer people and buildings, less pollution.
  • Which do the children prefer? Where would they prefer to live? Can they tell you why?

Ask the children to create two scenes – one countryside and one town.
Be as creative as you like! They can do a collage, a painting, use felt tips or just pencil crayons. Add in the town mouse and countryside mouse. Can the children label some of the things in each scene? You can use google images to help identify the features of these different environments.

As an extension to this activity children could write a paragraph explaining which environment they prefer and why.


The children are being very creative in Geography and Science this week and so there is no pressure at all to add in an art activity. However if you would like an extra art idea please see below.

Rob Biddulph is an author and illustrator. He is the official World Book Day Illustrator for 2020. To help parents with children at home he is posting some draw along videos. They are excellent and very easy to follow. They don’t last very long and so this should be something your children can do without your help.

Choose either the Gregosaurus or The Sausage Dog ( or do both if you have time ) and have fun following the video. We’d love to see your results so please do tweet and share your pictures!