Year 3 Home Learning – Summer Week 2

It has been great to see what the children got up to in week 1 of the Summer Term. This week we are going to set more Maths and English activities for you to complete, as well as some ideas for foundation subjects for you to choose from.

As usual, you can contact us on email or via twitter for any support or clarification that you need.


Revision Starter – Flashback 4: This week the White Rose videos start with Flashback 4 so no need to use the powerpoint. This is great revision of the last two terms’ work so an important step to recap and revise.

Watch the video for each day, starting with:

Week 2 Day 1 – Fractions on a number line.

These videos are great teaching tools and explain the worksheets clearly.

Complete the White Rose Worksheet 

(answers are online for parents to check).

Monday / Day 1 – Fractions on a number line

Tuesday / Day 2 – Fractions of a set of objects (1)

Wednesday / Day 3 – Fractions of a set of objects (2)

Thursday / Day 4 – Fractions of a set of objects (3)

Friday / Day 5 – Equivalent Fractions (1)

It would be great to start with strips of paper to fold into half, thirds and quarters before session 1 – fractions on a number line. (example here –

It will also help to continue to use real life objects such as counters, cubes, blocks or small toys to help when finding fractions of amounts.

For sessions 3 & 4 remind children that we are dividing by the bottom number and multiplying by the top – once you’ve found ¼ its easier to find ¾

For step 5 – it might be nice to make a fraction wall so that children can easily visualise Equivalent fractions, I’ve seen some great ones made using lego bricks!

If your child finds these sheets too difficult, they may prefer to try the worksheets from Classroom Secrets (All sheets saved below with VF in title– Varied Fluency)

If your child would like more of a challenge, after completing the White Rose sheet they can have a go at the Classroom Secrets sheets (All sheets saved below with RPS in title – Reasoning and Problem Solving)

Mymaths – will be updated so continue to check weekly.

TT rocks/numbots – use this for extra support with fractions and times tables


No new work set as such but please choose 5 different activities from this list.

Alternatively, there are some great daily English lessons on BBC Bitesize so you may prefer to follow these –

Choose from the following ideas (one per day if possible):

1. Write a diary extract.

2. Write a story about a superhero (remember not all heroes wear capes!).

3. Describe somewhere you would love to visit right now – beach, park, zoo, theme park, school (!) – use your five senses: what can you see/hear/smell/taste/touch? How do you feel?

4. Write a set of instructions for your favourite game/something to bake!

5. Email Mrs Tite/Miss Hallahan and tell us what you’ve been up to.

6. Write a letter to someone you miss.

7. Write a description of your favourite setting – book, TV, film, computer game.

8. Research and record some unusual facts about your favourite animal.

9. Write/draw a story map for a book you have read recently and enjoyed.

10. Pick a page(s) in your current reading book and write down any nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs you spot.

11. Complete the ‘Trolls booklet’ (this will take several days)

12. Complete a reading comprehension on First News –

13. Write a review for a David Walliams story  –


Continue regular reading of books, First News, Fiction Express etc.

Share a book with your friends by recording a video of you reading a story and emailing it over to Miss Hallahan or Mrs Tite or post to twitter.


Continue to learn words from the spelling lists. Use the Spelling stratagies image to give you ideas – eg pyramid writing, write the words without vowels, draw around an image.


Continue with daily walks/run/cycles or Joe Wicks/Cosmic Yoga

If you fancy a different sort of challenge try these –

Youth Sport Trust cards –


Discuss the rules that we live by at school, at home and across the country. Why do we have rules? What would life be like without them?

Read from the Powerpoint about the Five Pillars of Islam – complete the sheet, describing what each pillar stands for (Either cut and stick or write/draw own images).


Ancient Egypt Timeline – read the information on the posters then cut out and sort the smaller cards into the correct order. (You may need to discuss AD/BC first.)

Locate the UK and Egypt on a world map (colour them in and label). You could also find Egypt on Google Earth – the children love doing this at school!


Read through the powerpoint on Nutrition and complete the ‘Nutrition needs’ sheet.

Healthy eating meal – sort the foods into the correct groups. (Please remind children that this is a guide only and that it’s ok to treat yourself occasionally – everything in moderation!)

Design a ‘balanced meal’ plate with a good amount of each food group


Work through lessons on Data from

Click ‘Key Stage 2’ at the top and there are 4 lessons with a video for each one.


Choose some of the worksheets on ‘Feelings and Emotions’ to complete. This would be a great opportunity for the children to talk through some of their feelings and what actions they can take to help them if they are feeling upset, angry or overwhelmed.

Listen to the story ‘Huge Bag of Worries’

Have a great week, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if we can help!

You can still email Miss Hallahan for log ins for Fiction Express and the French website – Language Nut.