Busy Bees in Holly Class

As we reach the end of a busy half term, I thought I’d share a few of the many exciting things we have learnt in Holly class.

In our indoor PE lessons, the children have been learning to balance on different parts of the body. They then chose interesting ways to move along benches and balance before jumping off the equipment.

As part of our Science topic – Animals including humans – we went on a minibeast hunt in the nature area at school. Can you spot them?

To enhance our History topic – the Great Fire of London – we made Tudor houses in our D&T lessons. All ready to recreate the fire itself on our Fire of London day next half term.

In RE, we have been learning how different religions show their thankfulness for the natural world and all it provides. The children learnt about the Jewish festival of Sukkot and made mini sukkahs out of Lego.