Hazel visit Aldenam Country Park!

Hazel class had a great time on their trip to Aldenham Country Park yesterday. We visited the 100 Aker Wood and found lots of Winnie the Pooh houses, we searched for minibeasts in the woods and made meadow flower bracelets. After lunch we looked around the farm and saw sheep, goats, piglets, alpacas and donkeys. … Read more

Aldenham Adventure

Holly class visited some old friends at 100 Aker Wood. We knocked on all the doors but no-one was coming out to play today. So we shook some trees to see what minibeasts we could find. There were lots of friendly spiders, some beetles and an earwig. We also looked in the meadow for some … Read more

A visit from Captain Evans!

Holly and Hazel class were very lucky to have a visit from Captain Evans this afternoon. He told us all about his job as a pilot for EasyJet. The children were keen to ask lots of questions and were also allowed to dress up in some of the official uniform. What a great way to … Read more

Hazel Class at Shuttleworth!

Hazel class enjoyed a brilliant day at Shuttleworth as part of their work in History. The children have been learning about the history of flight and it was amazing to see lots of old planes in the hangars. The children took part in a variety of activities during the morning then after lunch we went … Read more

Brilliant Books!

What a fantastic day Year One had celebrating World Book Day! We were so impressed with all the creative costumes and interesting books the children bought in today. This morning we all met Lucy Plunkett the author of ‘Dexter! The Amazing School Dog!’ who read us her brilliant book. To end the day, it was … Read more

Holly’s History Trip

Today Year One headed off to the Shuttleworth Collection to support our work on Pioneers of Flight as part of the History curriculum. We spent the morning doing a range of interesting activities. We experienced what it was like to sit inside an old passenger plane with nowhere for luggage and no toilet! The children … Read more

Paper Aeroplanes in Hazel Class!

As they continue to learn about the history of flight, Hazel class had a go at making their own paper aeroplanes. The followed the step by step instructions to fold their paper into an aerodynamic shape. We then went into the dining room to see whose plane would fly the furthest. Our winners were Spence, … Read more

It’s All Happening in Holly

What a busy half term we’ve had in Holly class. In English, the children learnt all about non-fiction books and the children wrote their very own Owl fact books. We also made a parliament of owls to fly in our classroom! We have also been learning about puppets and made some finger puppets and stick … Read more