Medical and Illness
Sickness Absence
Although we promote good attendance, the welfare of your child, other children and staff is an important consideration. If a child is significantly ill, please keep them at home until they have recovered fully. Please telephone to inform us on each day of illness and leave a message on the answerphone (option 1). In particular please inform us if you believe your child has an infectious disease such as rubella (German Measles), chicken pox, headlice or worms.
If your child has been sick, had an upset stomach, or diarrhoea, they must not come into school until 48 hours after the last episode.
Children at school should be well enough to join in PE, games and swimming. If you feel it is necessary for your child to miss a PE lesson, please write to your child’s class teacher.
Please find the link to the form Here
Procedures for Managing Prescription Medicines
Medicines should only be taken to school when essential; where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine were not administered during the school day. The school accepts medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor or dentist or a pharmacist prescriber but only if the medicine needs to be taken more than 3 times a day.
Medicines should always be provided in the original container as dispensed and the child’s name on the prescription label, including the prescriber’s instructions for administration. Arrangements must be made in advance and a consent form signed by the parent. These are kept at the School Office.
Inhalers and Epipens
Inhalers are kept in the classroom in a place where the child may access them when required but not available to other children. It is the responsibility of the parents to update these inhalers when necessary. These inhalers will be taken on trips, ideally carried by the child. If an inhaler is newly prescribed to a child, please bring this to the School Office and complete the relevant form.
If you child has been prescribed an Epipen please notify the school immediately. The Epipen will be kept in school at all times with relevant paperwork in place.
Accidents and Illness During the School Day
If your child is taken ill or hurt during the day, we may call you. Minor accidents are dealt with promptly and appropriately by a member of staff.
A number of staff are first aid trained. If urgent medical attention is required, you will be contacted immediately.
It is essential that we have up to date contact phone numbers and addresses where you can be contacted. If we are unable to contact you, a member of staff will accompany your child to hospital.
If your child has received a bump on the head, we will issue them with a ‘head injuries’ form to be brought home at the end of the day.