Four weeks in Year 4!

We can’t quite believe we are four weeks in to the year already and how much Year 4 have done in that time. Our English lessons have seen us working on our grammar and punctuation through a collection of fables. The children enjoyed having conversations as wolf and sheep and then using their original dialogue to practise their speech punctuation, and they also created some lovely art work as part of our topic on instructions, such as a landscape painting and cartoon drawings on our whiteboards.

In PE they have been honing their football skills as well as their gymnastics ones, and in particular, they have used performances of their balances to learn about giving and receiving feedback. As well as their physical health, the children have been talking about their mental health with Sabrina during their transition workshops and Beech put together a display to remind us all to ‘Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud’.

They finished week 4 with one of our favourite special events of the year, the Festival of Languages. Beech started in Mexico while Lime visited Argentina first. Between them they also travelled to Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Germany, Poland and India as well as staying in England to learn some British Sign Language. I think it’s fair to say that the photos show how much they enjoyed the day and we’re really grateful to our parents and carers that were able to come in and share their heritage and culture through their language.