In the red corner…Y6 visit GRIT at Elite Boxing academy.

Year 6 were recently lucky enough to each attend a session at Elite Boxing Academy with the charity GRIT. GRIT (Growing resilience in teens) are a charity, funded by the NHS, who usually work in Secondary Schools to teach children the foundations of boxing, as well as an understanding of resilience and wellbeing that can be applied in all areas of life.

Each class attended one of the sessions, over the course of a few weeks, to take part in some pad work and non-contact boxing skills. They also had the chance to chat to the coaches about resilience and the importance of looking after our mental and physical wellbeing.

The children really enjoyed the sessions and learnt lots. Below you can see some photos of a couple of the sessions, showing the children doing pad work and playing ‘King of the ring’.

Cherry class photos below