Information from Mrs Driver

Fidgit Spinners
It has been brought to my attention that some children have been buying and selling the latest craze – Fidgit Spinners within school. NO children should be bringing money to school to buy something from another child. Only recognised fund raising activities will have items for sale. Children should not be setting up their own businesses, making money from their peers!

We request that these toys are left at home as children do not need to bring these from home to play with at break or lunchtime. They can easily get lost or broken causing upset. Where appropriate, if a child needs a tool to support focus and concentration, alternative resources can be provided. If you feel your child needs a Fidget Spinner in school please make an appointment to see either me or Mrs Delaney to discuss their condition. 

Mr Burrows
Some of you may have heard that Mr Burrows is retiring at the end of the summer term. We are currently going through a recruitment process. If you know of someone who might be interested in a Site Manager’s job please see the advert in Teach in Herts. Alternatively, feel free to come into school to talk to Mr Burrows. 

Madagascar rehearsals
There will be NO Madagascar rehearsals on 24th or 25th May 2017 as all Year 6 are away on School Journey.

Summer fete
Please keep the fete date – 10th June 2017 – firmly fixed in your mind and watch out for the letters coming out asking for different items. There are rotas up in the reception classrooms and in the office area for you to sign up to help out. Now that we have had the swing boats and roundabouts given a clean bill of health we are eager to find some strong people to work these during the day! Please come along and help out! 

School Journey
On Sunday 21st May our Year 6 pupils are away on their week long residential to North Wales. Miss Ayliffe and I are both accompanying them so if you have an urgent matter whilst we are away, please see Mrs Light or Mrs Mackilligan. Let’s hope we see some Welsh sunshine! 

Please remember if you have any concerns about your child at school, do not hesitate to come in to see me.

Yours sincerely
Mary Driver