Minibeasts in the reception class

In class this week the children have been learning about butterflies and watching our Painted Lady caterpillars grow.

We have read some great stories about butterflies from the informative Usborne ‘Butterflies’ with its informative website, to the classic Hungry Caterpillar and hence this weekend’s writing homework. ‘Ben plants a butterfly garden’ has prompted us to plant some flowers which will attract butterflies. This is the Usborne website about butterflies in case you are interested:

Our art and technology lessons have been about model making, to show the life cycle of the butterfly and give the children experience of working with different materials such as Hamma beads and paint, collage, wool, pipe cleaners and tissue paper. Our big class minibeast picture has begun.

A big well done to all of the children with their story writing last Friday. Some brilliant story starts and use of excellent vocabulary. This weekly independent writing has highlighted the target for most children to be writing in proper sentences with a capital letter at the start of each sentence and a full stop at the end.

I hope that the children all enjoyed ‘What the ladybird heard’ at the theatre this afternoon. They were very well behaved and were full of chatter as we left the theatre and came home on the coach. We will be reading the story again on Monday and starting to look at ladybirds and other insects.

Our class trip to Shepreth is on Wednesday. We will be leaving directly the bell goes so that we can catch the train. Please do not be late for school. We are not taking any spending money as the timings for trains and talks are very tight and we thought that the shop was overpriced last year! I will send out a letter on Monday with reminders of what to bring.

Congratulations to our achievers this week. Daniel was the first, for his excellent story about a frog. He wrote in full sentences, had a really good story start and used his phonics well to spell unknown words. William Taylor was the other achiever for learning his word box words. He also worked well in his maths, counting things from the Hungry Caterpillar story and finishing the task independently. Well done William for trying so hard, keep up the good work.

Have an enjoyable weekend and fingers crossed that the rain stays away!