Connecting ideas in Art

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the London Underground, Class 1/2 have being looking at various Art work inspired by the London Underground Tube Map. Here we started with 1 idea and connected to another. We ended up with a web of ideas.

Vehicle investigation

In science we have been carrying out investigations on how far a vehicle will travel down ramps of varying “steepness.” We found that the steeper slopes allowed the vehicle to travel further. The next investigation was to find out whether the weight of a vehicle makes a difference.We found that the lighter vehicle travelled further.

Adding Money

Pupils have been using coins to add up different amounts as part of their maths lessons. They will be moving on to learning about ‘change’

Class 2’s Visit to the Church

As part of the RE curriculum, Class 2 enjoyed a visit to St Mary’s church. After looking round the outside of the building, we were met by the Reverend Roden who showed us all the different parts of the church and talked about its history. The children learnt a lot about the church and enjoyed … Read more

The Artist Day

After sketching houses, a lady shopping and wind swept, a man walking a dog and children cheering at school, pupils created their own artwork. Here are the pupils painging their work and being careful to paint the road a pale colour and the sky grey…like Lowry did.

Snow Day!

Hello Class 2 I hope everyone is enjoying the snow but if you are getting cold and fed up with it now why not draw me a picture of what you can see from your window or write me a story about being out in the snow. Mrs Brown