Olaf Falafel – Author Visit

Olaf came to read to us and entertain us!

Olaf introduced himself and his most recent books: Blobfish and Trixie Pickle – The Art Avenger. The children couldn’t stop their giggling at Olaf’s jokes, film clips and songs.

Then, the best bit of all … Olaf read us all an extract from Blobfish (ks1) and Trixie Pickle (ks2). Blobfish was loved by all – Aaaaaah! The children loved the chapter all about the basketball game and the BARF in Keystage 2! Although some of the teachers felt a bit queasy listening to the vivid descriptions right before lunch, it was so interesting to listen to the children’s questions.

They learned all about the process of coming up with ideas for a story, ways to draw, how important the editor’s work is and how editors are just like teachers marking their writing. The children were spellbound and bought approximately 150 books, which Olaf so kindly signed and handed over to each child.

What an inspirational day!

Serena (Year 6) said “I loved him teaching us how to draw a bum-face snail!”
“He’s really funny” said Freddie and Saleena (Year 6)
Orin “Inspirational!” (Year 6)