Remaining Football fixtures

Please be aware that these are only the fixtures we currently know. There will be more fixtures added and these may be at short notice. We will of course try to give you as much notice as we can but we are often waiting for other schools and for results of other fixtures. 

Date Venue  Time Tournament Teams involved 
7.11.22 Whitehill Junior School 3-5 ESFA A team 
WB  7.11.22 TBC 3:30 Wix Cup Girls 
10.11.22 William Ransom Vs Pirton 3:30 Wix Cup A team 
15.11.22 St Andrews 3:30 League A & B teams 
22.11.22 (TBC) Almond Hill Stevenage 3:30 Wix 9 a-side A team 
23.11.22 Baldock Arena 3-5 ESFA Girls 
24.1.23 William Ransom Vs Purwell 3:30 League  A & B teams 
WB 30.1.23 TBC 3:30 Wix Cup Semi-final A & Girls 
7.2.23 Wilshere Dacre 3:30 League A & Girls 
WB 21.2.23 William Ransom Vs Highover 3:30 League A & B 
WB 28.2.23 TBC 3:30 Wix Cup Final A & Girls 
WB 6.3.23 TBC 3:30 League  Play-off 
March x3TBC 3:30 Rally A, B & Girls 
*These fixtures are subject to change (possibly at short notice)* 

Please ensure you have access to the main school twitter account, cancellations and postponements for training and matches will be posted here.