The reception class have all started school and what a great week we have all had!.

The older children have done their first full week, coming into school all be themselves and settling to play. They have enjoyed learning about harvest, the Jewish celebration of harvest called Sukkoth and painting their own version of Van Gogh’s ‘Wheatfield with Crows.’

The younger children have made a great start, getting used to the daily routines and coping with dinners in a busy dining room. They have experienced all types of indoor and outdoor learning both child initiated and teacher led.

The children have learnt the sounds s,a,t and p using the Jolly Phonics songs and actions. The ‘sound table’ has been well supported by most pupils and already the children have eight words in their word box to practise reading by blending their sounds.

With daily activities to promote and practise gross and fine motor skills all children are working hard to perfect the skill of writing their name and other words, with the emphasis on correct letter formation.

We watched ‘The School Run’ on Cbeebies and if you have a computer for your child to watch it again there are some keyboard and mouse activities that they can enjoy as they listen to the story.

Good luck with the homework. Spend some time to support your child with their reading and writing and everyone will soon be reaping the benefits of us all working together to support their learning.