Watch out…there are vicious Vikings about!

Year 5 had a fantastic time getting into character and learning all sorts of interesting Viking facts during our recent Viking Day.

Our very knowledgeable (and not as fierce as he looked) Viking had plenty of activities planned to enrich the children’s learning. We started off the day with a talk and a Viking quiz, with different stations around the hall, where the children learned that there was a lot more to the Viking way of life than invading and raiding.

Our Viking guide showed us different weapons and tools that the Vikings employed when they first came to Britain to settle and also items that the Viking People would have used in everyday life. Some were very familiar items such as combs, cups and bowls and even and iron! This really helped the children to connect and empathise with the time period.

In the afternoon, our Year 5 Vikings-in-training completed some – very competitive! – warrior spear training and then recreated an impressive Viking battle drill.

We had a great day and we hope you enjoy these photographs from the day.