Year 5-6 Home Learning photos.

We’ve been so impressed with the work produced by Year 5 and 6 over the last few weeks. The children themselves have chosen some work that they are proud of and we’ve chosen some other examples too, to give you an idea of what we’ve been up to this half term in Cherry, Chestnut and Rowan. We hope you enjoy!

In art, the children were asked to produce portraits of a friend of family member. We also looked at the artist Jackson Pollock and enjoyed getting messy recreating some of his work. Artists, Bob and Roberta Smith inspired us to create ‘protest posters’ of things that we were passionate about and we also used art skills to produce film posters in History.

The children have fully embraced our DT projects – making juggling balls and junk modelling. We saw some amazing DT work inspired by Darrell Wakelam.

After learning the features of non-chronological reports, the children produced some amazing reports on Pandas. We then moved on to writing using figurative language and have started to read a new book this week entitled ‘The last wild’.

In French, we’ve enjoyed revising lots of topics and recently started to learn about French customs and traditions, including Mardi Gras. The children designed some beautiful Mardi Gras masks.

In science we’ve been looking at properties and changes of materials. Lots of children tried our ‘Dissolving’ experiment recently and were able to report back their findings.

In computing, we’ve been learning to touch type and have done further work looking at what algorithms are. Here are a few examples:

We are so proud of how well the children have done this half term with their home learning. Keep up the good work!