Diversity in Year 3

As part of our whole school Diversity Project, Elm and Maple classes looked at the book ‘Dogs Don’t Do Ballet’. The book is all about Biff, a little dog who longs to be a ballet dancer. Even though everyone tells him that dogs don’t do ballet, he believes in himself and achieves his dream. The book taught us that it is okay to be different and that we should always have faith in ourselves and follow our dreams.

We wrote letters to Biff, encouraging him to believe in himself and to help him overcome his doubts. We also wrote a letter to the Disney company who wouldn’t let a little boy take part in the Disney Princess experience. We thought this was wrong as everyone should be allowed to like whatever they want! Finally, we thought about our own strengths and created beautiful flowers to celebrate all our amazing qualities.

We made fantastic displays with our work. We hope you like them.