Information from Mrs Driver

Mrs Brown
You will all remember that Mrs Brown is retiring at the end of term in July; after 41 years at the school she will be greatly missed by us all. We are starting to arrange various events to celebrate her years at William Ransom, the main one being an Evening Celebration on Friday 1st July 2016 at 7.30. This will be an opportunity for all current and ex-parents, ex-pupils (over 18) and ex-teachers to get together and say their goodbyes. We have alerted The Comet Newspaper but hope that you will also help by spreading the word! We are also starting a collection for Mrs Brown. If you would like to join us in making a contribution, please put it in an envelope marked Mrs Brown and send to the school office via your child. 

Uniform Shop
The dates for the Uniform Shop this term are: Monday 9th May, Monday 13th June and Monday 4th July at 3.20. This is to sell the uniform they have in stock. If you want to place an order, this must be done by Friday 17th June for a delivery wk/c 11th July. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents organising school uniform for all their hard work. 

Head Lice
We have had a number of incidents of Head Lice in school recently. PLEASE check your children and then treat them accordingly. 

Hitchin Partnership
We are often sent details of various courses run by Hitchin Partnership or other organisations to support parents. Sometimes these are for children with a Special Educational Need and sometimes these are for all children. Everything we are sent will be advertised on the Community Notice Board in the foyer. 

Mid-day Supervisory Assistant
We are still looking for another Mid-day Supervisory Assistant. If you would like to become part of our team, even from September, please come in and have a chat! 

Please remember if you have any concerns about your child at school, do not hesitate to come in to see me.

Yours sincerely
Mary Driver