Useful Website Links

Please find below a number of website links that are available to help support your child at home. EYFS Numberblocks – Sing along and learn all about numbers with the Numberblocks KS1 Numbots – Practice and engaging gameplay to supercharge understanding and recall of addition and subtraction Percy Parker – Learn your times … Read more

Maths Terminology

This list should support in the understanding of Maths terminology used in school. It provides an explanation of each of the terms used across the Key Stages.

Calculation Policies

At William Ransom we follow the White Rose Curriculum. These policies outline the methods we use for calculation.

White Rose Curriculum Steps

We follow the White Rose overview for our Maths Curriculum. Each unit has a set of steps, which are followed in order, to guide children through the methods and aims for each topic. Here are the steps for each year group: