Willow Class Home Learning – Summer Week 1

We hope that you found time over the Easter holiday to relax a little at home, enjoy the sunshine and take part in some Easter fun. 

It’s certainly a different start to the new term for all.  As before, we will update the website weekly with suggested activities and tasks.  However, please do not feel under pressure to complete everything we set online.  Every family has their own circumstances and pressures to deal with at this time so please just do what you can, when you can.  It is enough! 


Summer Week 1 spellings – homophones:

would, wood, hair, hare, rain, reign, wail, whale, wait, weight

Can you use the correct homophone in a sentence and spell it correctly?

Challenge: What other homophones can you think of? Can you spell them accurately too?


Continue to work through the grammar questions in your Classroom Secrets home learning pack. 

Revise how to punctuate speech using inverted commas (speech marks).

Have a look at the following videos from BBC Bitesize –



Extra challenge – learn the rap and dance!

Task: ‘Code Cracking for Beginners’.  The file is attached below.   Choose your level (* or ** or *** – either print out or work from the screen) and have a go at rewriting the paragraph in your exercise book using the correct punctuation (answers provided to check afterwards). 


Imagine that you are one of the characters from the code cracking paragraph. Can you carry on the story?  What happens next?  Where does Sam go? How does he feel?  What can he see/hear/smell around him?

Plan your story first. You could use a story mountain – beginning/build-up/problem/resolution/ending.

  • Use speech in your writing. 
  • How does each person speak?  Avoid using ‘said’ too often.

Remember:  You need to start a new paragraph every time a new person starts to speak.


Continue to read regularly; perhaps a book from home or one from Fiction Express.  If you don’t already have a login for Fiction Express, email me at fwaite@wransom.herts.sch.uk and I will send you one.


Whiterose are putting daily lessons and worksheets online. We were uploading these anyway but now they are doing the job for us! Please look at Summer Week 1, either year 4 or year 5. Whichever can be worked at independently. This work is revision. There is a five minute lesson and then a worksheet as well as answers. In a few weeks Whiterose will be aligning their lessons with BBC Bitesize. 

To follow-up you can look at TYM4 p80, TYM5 p71,

Again, you can always find additional activities at https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/ or look at a lesson on mymaths for additional explanation.

Uploaded are Y4 and Y5 weekly 10 minutes maths workout.



Have a look at the paintings featured and choose your favourite one to recreate.  You can use any medium you like!  Write a short paragraph to explain why you chose the painting and/or artist. 


Our Summer Geography topic is Mexico. 

Can you find answers to the following questions?

  • Where in the World is Mexico? (Continent?)
  • What is Mexico’s Capital City?
  • What is Mexico’s population?
  • How big is Mexico (square miles)?
  • What countries border Mexico?
  • What imaginary line runs through Mexico?
  • What seas/oceans surround Mexico?  (What is the difference between a sea and an ocean?)
  • What lakes and rivers can be found in Mexico?
  • What mountain ranges can be found in Mexico?

Once you have answered the questions, perhaps you might like to display your findings in a poster format?

Can you find a map of Mexico to label and colour in?


Continue with Living Things and their Habitats. See uploaded science sheets:

  • Put flowers like carnations or celery in water coloured with food colouring. What happens and why? Draw a diagram, label it. Write a prediction and conclusion
  • Animal life cycles – watch What is a lifecycle. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgssgk7 Choose an animal, research it and draw and explain its lifecycle.


Our next topic is bread. Watch: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zb4cwmn/resources/1

Make a survey of what bread-based products you use at home. Which brands are they? (Warburtons, Hovis, Kingsmill). Call a few friends or relatives to repeat the survey. Which are the favourite brands and products?


Celebrities from across the globe performed in an 8-hour Together at Home concert on Saturday night. An edited 2-hour version will be on BBC iplayer and other platforms. If you are watching it, what genres of music which we have studied can you identify? Which instruments are the celebrities playing? What was your favourite? Write a review (or film a review) of the whole concert or the rock or rap elements.

PE Keep it up! Exercise is good for both body and mind. Enjoy the fresh air and also take advantage of online classes. Lots of celebs are putting up daily and weekly classes and many local dance schools have live or prerecorded classes too.