Year 3 Home Learning

Please find below work for home learning in Year 3 (attachments at the end). For now, we are keeping it simple; lots of the resources are the same booklets/ideas that came home last week as most children were still in school until Friday. Please have a go at these over the next week/two weeks. Our intention is to add more work each week, but we do not want to overwhelm you.

Please feel free to contact us on our twitter page @Year3WR or on email with any questions or pictures of your children being busy!

In addition, here are some of our favourite links for learning through exploration/fun:

Week beginning 23/03/20


Revision of number bonds, halves and doubles, times tables and division facts.

Time tables rock stars or Numbots (same log in – story mode is untimed)

Maths booklet sheets (Twinkl and Classroom secrets)

Work set on My Maths

Measure – what can you find in/out of the house that is more/less than 1m? Can you convert to cm/mm? Can you find the perimeter of your garden?

Shape – draw and name some 2D and 3D shapes (chalk on the pavement while its sunny?) What shapes can you find around the house?


Spellings Revise Year 1 & 2 words, start to look at Year 3 & 4 words

Continue daily reading

Reading comprehension sheets

Creative writing sheets (what can you see/hear)

Visit www.pobble – write a story based on the picture of the day.

Ideas for writing: write about your favourite character, write a book review, retell a story but change the ending, design a front cover for a favourite book, write a blurb for a book, make up an acrostic Easter poem, write instructions for baking/making a sandwich, write a report about your favourite sport/ hobby/ holiday destination etc.

Extras for over the next few weeks (pick and choose from below)


Either – reading comprehension or home made compost (see sheets)


Try –


Revise numbers, days, months, “what’s in my pencil case?” (ppt has sound with pronunciation!)


Read the Iron Age fact cards – design a poster/ppt/quiz to show me what you know about the Iron Age (you can tweet the poster @Year3WR)


Either – Create a poster about South Africa or start to do some research on Mountains (You could start to make a powerpoint).


Espresso coding  (Year 3 units only)

BBC dance mat typing (needs to done on laptop/desktop to revise touch typing)

Make a poster about online safety/ rules for online chat (particularly important over the next few months!)


Easter story flap book

Easter colouring/dot to dot


Joe Wicks daily lesson @9am on youtube

Cosmic yoga on youtube      

Go noodle