Weekly update from the Reception class

With the theme of houses well underway, the wall hanging of ‘Our Houses’ went up in the classroom for all to see. The clay houses were painted, the children painted a picture of their own house and the children went for a walk down Benslow Lane to look at the different types of houses. That was a chance to use their ICT skills with a camera to capture the different types of houses and bring back the pictures to compare old with new.

It was nice to see so many Reception parents at the Open morning on Tuesday. The children’s levels of concentration were very different to a normal day with so many distractions. However, it gave you a taste for the sorts of indoor activities that take place in a ‘normal’ day. The pictures of houses using 2-D shapes made from art straws were finished later in the day and will come home in their folder at the end of term. They certainly provided the children with lots of conversations about the shapes they were trying to make, the features of houses that they were trying to create and their confidence to ‘have a go’.

The potatoes are now planted and we have joined the RSPB wildlife Action Rewards scheme. This scheme will recognise many of the outdoor activities which are part of learning in reception and give us a few new projects to try.

Dancing with ribbons was an area of PE revisited this week. A few knotty ribbons at the end but a chance for all to succeed at their own level and get us all moving to the music!

Maths this week was centred on the naming and properties of 2-D shapes and from the Activote results listening skills need some attention! Taking away using a number line to count back was revisited. Any problems with this week’s maths were addressed and work sent home for further practising.

Red Noses to wear and an opportunity for a non-uniform day was an exciting end to another very busy week!