William Ransom’s Exciting Writing Day

Friday 18th November was a day our children will never forget! Eco Club met up early with Mr Carmody to start the day with litter picking on the school field. To their utter amazement, they found the World Cup!

The children ran in immediately to voice their astonishment to Mrs Driver, who rushed out to see whether this could possibly be true. And it was!

An emergency assembly was called to discuss this alarming turn of events! Mrs Driver explained that Mrs Hopcraft had informed the police who had sent along a detective from the Metropolitan Police to investigate. Mr Kearney explained to the children that, due to the serious nature of the discovery, he had been flown straight by helicopter from London to Hitchin. Fortunately, some children had even seen a helicopter hovering nearby! He went on to explain to the children that all procedures had been carefully adhered to: nobody had touched the World Cup without gloves on; the area had been cordoned off; photographs had been taken and the police had been informed.

Once the main facts had all been established, Mr Kearney asked the children to consider all aspects of the case carefully. He encouraged them to think about how the World Cup could have ended up at William Ransom School. If it were a crime, who did they think the suspects were? What could their motives be? The buzz was created; the children were ‘fired up’ and ready to think, discuss ideas and WRITE!

What came next was truly magical and hopefully, the photos here will give you an idea of how much the children enjoyed the day. There is a display board up in the foyer for you to see a selection of some of the writing created. There are suspect descriptions, newspaper reports, letters to the police recounting suspicions and ideas, poems and so much more! If you bring along your mobile phone, you can even scan a QR code to listen to some Year 6 reports.

At 3.00pm on Exciting Writing Day, we all met in the hall, where Mrs Driver explained that the police had checked our World Cup and, sadly, it was in fact a …. fake copy! There were some groans and gasps at this news but then the children from each year group shared some of their written work and some of their ideas and suspicions about the ‘crime’.