Is that Willow Class… or some vicious Vikings?

Willow Class shared their Viking knowledge with the rest of the school today in their class assembly. The children performed beautifully.  Everyone remembered their lines and cues and were able to show off ther amazing Viking shields… not to mention the other weapons too!!

Singing Workshop for Willow Class

On Monday, Willow Class was welcomed by Princess Helena College for a singing workshop with Rufus Frowde (one of PHC's music teachers).  We were joined by four other primary schools from the local area.  The day began with a warm up for our bodies and faces as well as our voices before exploring a wide … Read more

Eureka! Willow Class in the Lab

Willow Class had a great time today exploring forces at a science workshop at The Princess Helena College.  Before going into the lab, we were all given white lab coats to protect our clothing and (more importantly) so that we looked the part! The science teacher at PHC began by finding out how much the … Read more

Willow’s Wonderful World

The annual William Ransom Festival of Languages was enjoyed by Willow Class as they travelled the world and learned lots of new languages and facts. From the Punjab to Spain, via Italy, South Africa and Serbia – what a day! The class danced, sang and a favourite…ate lots of yummy food. The children found out … Read more

Science – Down to Earth!

Today Willow class was trying to defy gravity and make a parachute which could harness air resistance and fall to earth the slowly. Each group made three parachutes, changing just one variable to test the affect of air resistance. The variables were: different materials, different size canopies, different weighted objects, different lengths of string and different … Read more

French Poem

Willow Class learnt a poem all about seasons in French.  They then used dictionaries to adapt the poem by using different animals and locations for each verse of their poem.  Each pair then learnt to recite their poem.  Here is one version with the rest of the class joining in with some actions.

Veolia visit to tell Willow about the three Rs

As part of their Geography, Willow are looking at Waste and Recycling so Veolia and NHDC came to tell them about what happens to our rubbish. Each year, the Year 4s and 5s in Willow class study Waste and Recycling as part of their Geography lessons. They have collected information about what they waste at … Read more

When Willow Met Warburtons

As part of their D&T work, Willow made sandwiches with Warburtons. As a class, we began our project with a bread tasting. Like all good designers we need to know what is already on the market! All of the children tried a variety of bread types and noted the appearance, taste texture. In the weeks … Read more

Willow Class’ Science work starts with a bang!

Earlier in the term Willow Class got to experience an explosive start to their work on forces with a visit to Ministry of Science Live. It was an exciting and entertaining way to discover lots of different areas of the subject and the class then shared everything they learned in a class assembly. They explained … Read more