Year 1 work – Summer week 6

As some of you will be in school this week, we have allocated work to particular days for English and Maths. Hopefully this will avoid repetition of work and enable you to prepare children for the days they are in school.


Here’s a Flashback Powerpoint, with a series of quick questions covering topics we have learnt so far. Remember to view it in slideshow mode so you don’t see all the answers! You could work through a few pages each day.

Maths – Monday

Warm up
Look at the shapes below (or on the powerpoint) – discuss which are 2D and which are 3D. How do you know? Identify the names and properties of the different shapes.

Fractions – Halving shapes or objects

  • Fold a piece of paper exactly in half. Unfold and draw a line on the crease. Now there are 2 equal parts. Now we have 2 halves which make a whole.
  • Label the two parts.
  • Can it be folded in another way to make 2 more equal halves?
  • Now work through the White Rose worksheet below. It’s saved as a pdf or a ppt.
  • Move on to: Use the squares in your book to draw rectangles of different sizes. Now colour in exactly half of the shapes and label.

Maths – Tuesday

Warm up
Practise your doubles and halves by playing Hit the Button:

Fractions – Halving shapes or Objects

  • Remember that a half is 1 of 2 parts. It can also be written as ½. Practise writing it.
  • Work through the Classroom secrets ppt ‘Halving Shapes or Objects.’
  • Work through Classroom Secrets Varied Fluency sheets.
  • Move on to: Classroom Secrets Reasoning and Problem Solving.

Maths – Wednesday

Warm up
Practise your number bonds to 10 and 20 by playing Hit the Button:

Fractions – halving quantities

  • Remember that halving an amount is like sharing equally between 2 groups (like we did a few weeks ago). We can use a bar model to help us.
  • When we share 8 equally between 2, we get 2 equal groups of 4. Remember that 1 of the 2 equal groups is a half and can be written ½.
  • Now work through the White Rose worksheet below. It’s saved as a pdf or a ppt.
  • Move on to: Have a go at answering these questions.

Maths – Thursday

Warm up
Play funky mummy for some quick fire addition to 20 practise:

Fractions – halving quantities

  • Remember that a half is 1 of 2 parts. It can also be written as ½. Practise writing it.
  • Work through the Classroom secrets ppt ‘Halving a Quantity.’
  • Work through Classroom Secrets Varied Fluency sheets ‘Halving a Quantity’.
  • Move on to: Classroom Secrets Reasoning and Problem Solving.
  • To push your learning on further, try these extension questions.

English – Monday

Phonics – Recap these phase 3 sounds: qu, ch, sh, th, ng.

  • Can you think of words that have these sounds in? Write them down.
  • Read these sentences out loud with the sounds in:
    The Queen chats to the King about fluffy dogs.
    “Will you marry me?” the frog asked the bee.
    The screaming man shouted “Shoo! Shoo!”
    This is the best cheese ever.
    I want to go to the church by the flowing river.
  • Pick a sound from qu, ch, sh, th, ng and a word with that sound in it and write your own sentence using the word.

English Monday – Stick Man by Julia Donaldson
If you have Stick Man by Julia Donaldson at home, read it with a grown up or sibling. If you don’t have it at home, listen to this reading on YouTube:
or watch the film here:
Can you remember all the things Stick Man is made to be in the story and in which order?
Write a full sentence for each, in the right order, remembering a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end and then draw a picture for each one. I’ll help you with the first one:
Stick Man was used as a toy for a dog.
Notice that Stick Man has capital letters because it is a name as well as being at the start of the sentence.
Check to see if you remembered the story in the right order!

English – Tuesday

Phonics – ck
Stick ends in ‘ck’. We know the ‘ck’ spelling of the ‘c’ or ‘k’ sound usually comes at the end of words.

  • Can you think of some other words that end in ‘ck’? Write them down.
  • Sometimes these words form parts of other words and the ‘ck’ doesn’t come at the end anymore. For example, in sticker. Can you add any more letters to the words you have come up with to make ck be in the middle of the word? Write them down.

English Tuesday
Read the Stick Man again or watch the reading on YouTube or the film in the links above. As you read or watch look closely at the illustrations and try to guess how long the story takes place over? Does it all happen in one afternoon? In one day? Or longer? How do you know? What are the clues from the illustrations and what happens in the story?
Here are 4 pictures showing Stick Man in different seasons. Write a sentence or two about how you know which season it is. You can start each one: I know it is Spring because..

English – Wednesday

Phonics – Recap ‘ai’ sound from phase 3.

  • There are other ways to spell the ‘ai’ sound but can you think of 5 words that have the ‘ai’ spelling. Another spelling for this sound is ‘ay’. Can you write 5 words that have the ‘ay’ spelling.
  • Ask a sibling or parent to read the following words and see if you know the right spelling of the ‘ai’ sound. Is it ‘ai’ or ‘ay’? clay, snail, chain, crayon, trail, tray, hay

English Wednesday
Go for a walk or into your garden and find a stick that could be your very own Stick Man. You’ll want to find one not too big and not too small. Perhaps it has twiggy bits that come out from the main part of it that could be its arms or legs?
What could you use your stick for? Have you used a stick for something in the past? Imagine your stick is telling you it is not what you have thought of, just like Stick Man does in the story. Write down what your Stick Man, or maybe Stick Woman, would say starting “I am not a (or an!)…”. Perhaps you could draw your Stick Man and put your sentence into speech marks next to him or use a speech bubble if you’re not sure about using speech marks.

English – Thursday

Phonics – Recap all your phase 3 sounds by playing buried treasure on Click on the link for free phonics play, parents, phase 3, buried treasure and then select all.

English Thursday
Imagine you are Stick Man and you are going to write a postcard to your family to tell them about your travels. We usually send postcards when we go on holiday so that people can see a picture of where are we are and the wonderful time we are having. If you’ve never seen a postcard before ask your parent to google one.
On your postcard you could talk about your travels in general or pick one particular place you have been. Do you think Stick Man would tell his family about how terrible it has all been? Or would he look for the positives? For example, the beautiful park where he was thrown as a stick. Or the stunning beach where he was used as a sail.
You could cut you paper into the size of a postcard and draw a picture of the place on the other side, like a real postcard.
Don’t forget this is like a letter so you will need to use “Dear” or “To” and make sure to write who it is from.

English – Friday

Writing simple dictated sentences gives pupils opportunities to apply and practise their spelling. Have a go at dictating the following excerpt from the book for your child to write. Let them write independently without correcting as you go. When they have finished go back over their work with them. If they have made any spelling mistakes, ask them to look at the word and think about how they have spelt it. Give prompts if needed or if they are really unsure let them know how to correctly spell the word. If they have missed capital letters or full stops ask them if they have missed any before pointing out where for them. They could attempt to add speech marks at the end. This will encourage them to begin to edit their work. (Please note, the children do not yet know how to use commas so don’t worry about adding them in just yet!)
Stick Man lives in the family tree with his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three. One day he wakes early and goes for a jog, Stick Man, oh Stick Man, beware of the dog! “A stick!” barks the dog. “An excellent stick! The right kind of stick for my favourite trick.”

Art – Sketching from nature

Many artists, including sculptors, look at nature to give them inspiration for their work. They start by looking closely at objects and sketching them in different ways. Vincent van Gogh was no exception and always had a sketchbook with him. Some of his most famous paintings are of sunflowers. We will be looking at these in more detail next week.
Task: Watch this clip and follow the instructions below.

  • Collect a natural object from the ground, (avoid picking from growing plants) this could be a leaf, a stick, a flower or a piece of bark.
  • Fold a piece of paper in half and then half again. Now open it out – you should have 4 sections. We are going to draw your object 4 times in different ways.
  • 1. Drawing lines.
    Look carefully at your object and draw all the straight lines you can see. Then add the curved lines. Press nice and firmly with your pencil.
  • 2. Take your pencil for a walk.
    Draw the lines of your object again but this time without taking your pencil off the paper.
  • 3. Light and shadow.
    Draw the outline first and then add some dark and light. Try pressing harder for darker shadow and lighter for light areas. Try using the side of your pencil. You could use lines for shading – closer together for dark areas and further apart for light areas.
  • 4. Don’t look!
    Now you are familiar with your object, try and draw it without looking. Just relax and let your pencil do the work. Open your eyes. Does it look like the other drawings?

D & T – Healthy Fruit and Vegetables

Growing and Harvesting

  • How many different fruits and vegetables can you name?
    Look in your kitchen and see how many you can identify. What do they look like? What do they smell like? What do they taste like?
  • What country do fruit and vegetables come from?
    Some fruits and vegetables are grown in Britain, but some are grown in other countries where the weather is different. Look at the labels on the fruit and vegetables in your kitchen. Does it say what country they have come from? Is it a hotter country?
  • How do fruit and vegetables grow?
    Some grow under the ground, some grow above the ground and some grow on trees or bushes. Take a Look at the Powerpoint below.
  • Challenge!
    Play ‘What am I?’ Can you guess the fruit or vegetable from the clues?
    Think of a fruit or vegetable and challenge an adult or sibling to guess it. They can ask questions but you can only answer yes or no.

Musical History!

Linking to our History topic of flight, this week we’d like you try and learn the song
“Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines.”
Here’s a link to a version with the words. Sing along and try to learn as much as you can. You could also make up some suitable actions to go with it. Have fun!

Science – Seasons: Spring

  • Can you remember the names of the twelve months and the four seasons?
    Which months are part of which season?
    Winter – December, January and February
    Spring – March, April and May
    Summer –  June, July and August
    Autumn – September, October & November
  • We have just come to the end of Spring. Tell us what you would usually associate with this season? Think about celebrations, the weather, plants and animals.
  • Look outside at a tree – how does it look now compared to in Winter?
  • Read the poem ‘Months of the Year’ by Sara Coleridge. What does the poem describe?
    Look at the couplet for this month. Is it fairly accurate?